...life can be translucent

Your Experiences with Unchanging Castings-Hexagram 45


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May 29, 2006
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For myself I find I have learned much from everyone about pairs in these threads. It's seemed to me that in particular with unchanging castings the other one of the pair is especially noticeable/visible/part of the picture. Sometimes we've struggled with how pairs slot into one another. With 41 and 42 it's plain, I mean it's plain that increase follows decrease follows increase and so on. It was more difficult with 43 and 44 but I learned a lot from discussions of how they might be two sides of the same coin.

Hilary says of this pair in her book

Gathering forms a pair with hexagram 46, Pushing Upward:

'Gathering means assembling, Pushing Upward means not coming back'

Before you can set out single-mindedly towards a chosen goal, you must gather your people and resources. The stronger your purpose, the more you will be willing to invest; the more you invest, the less likely you are to turn back. Investment and aspiration are two sides of a single coin.

I've never articulated 46 as 'not coming back' but it fits, one has moved onwards and upwards.

Lise once summarised this pair as ;

Being part of the world

45 - Groups and sects, their strength and danger

46 - Promotion, accomplishment

Some of my experiences of 45 uc​

1. I was faced with chaos in my main living room. I can't recall exactly why but I think I had had a furniture reshuffle and what with one thing and another my living space was discombobulated. It needed sorting out. I sat and looked at it helplessly, couldn't seem to make a start :eek:uch: I asked Yi for 'advice on clutter clearing'. 45uc was such a helpful answer. It immediately reframed my view of the problem. Instead of looking at the chaotic room as needing clearing I now saw it that what I needed was to gather, to focus. For me this was more than an answer on a page in a book, I now saw the room differently. My big table is where my gathering focused, the room then assembled itself around that. I focused on how I would like to use and gather my energy in that space. First that meant getting the table organised in such a way as to support my focus. After that everything fell into place.
I hope that makes sense. Tidying up can be more than tidying up...it can be gathering oneself up together to refocus energies. :D

2. A weirder example. I had an extremely cheap gym membership due to some work I had done for a charity. They had mass cheap membership. I continued with the membership even after I had left. No one seemed to notice. The gym fell into a state of great disrepair as they kept going bust and changing owners. I went primarily for the use of the indoor and outdoor swimming pools. I especially liked the outdoor one as I have no garden for summer use. Hmm one day new owners took it over and declared that since many of the facilities, often including the pools, were out of use, all members would pay a reduced rate. Ummm except for me it actually increased because my payment had been so low and had never been changed. I wrote and explained I was not inclined to pay more for fewer facilities, especially since the outdoor pool was out of use. I knew I was trying my luck a bit so asked Yi "will they budge for me ?" ie will they allow me to go on at my old rate. I got 45uc. They did not budge so I left as could not afford new rate. In this instance I am inclined to see it as they, the gym, sort of gathered their resources in hence could not extend to me. Hence I was shut out. That fits with the strength and danger of groups Lise wrote of. One can be within or outside the group. 45uc can just be 'the group'

3. I asked if I would have a chance to reconnect with someone ? I got 45uc. I have not had that chance yet. Perhaps it is similar to the gym example. Perhaps they are gathered in to themselves .

Maybe these last two sound far fetched...but it's seemed to me that 45 uc can feel a bit like being on the receiving end of 33, when others withdraw from you....or when they gather their resources in.

I like example 1 as a clear example...but in these threads it's interesting to share all the weird ways unchanging answers come up in our expereince...they don't always fit in with what we would imagine.

What did Wing write of 45 in it's unchanging form ?

"The trigram TUI, joy, is being fully realized when K'UN, total receptivity to all men, is at the foundation. Without change, the hexagram ASSEMBLING implies that your goals, your potential for growth and even your happiness are tied in some way to group consciousness, perhaps to your family or to society at large. In this position it is wise to join fully in the group's rituals and endeavours. For greatest success, locate and serve the leader, thereby strengthening the group and assuring your security."

How has 45 in it's unchanging form felt to you ? Any experiences with it ?


Aug 5, 2010
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the most funny experience with 45 was when I did this reading for the day and got 45... was trying to understand what it meant- was pretty new to Yi- and remember holding my burning head :p and saying to my self " Concentrate !!!" :D

I recall someone here asking a question that had to do attachment issues and relating and got 45u. 45 feels like a save haven and I like the imagery of mother earth holding the lake - containing emotions.

personal reading: there are some not that cheerful events that memories are faded but still there is an influence. Ask how i deal with this issue and got 45. Imo, 45 here was about disconnection , a kind of containment but not very healthy in the long-run. So, the other side of the 45 coin, might be disconnection too, for the sake of 'safety' and protection.

some years ago was thinking about 45 and the visual of a bee hive from the inside , the hexagonal construction popped into mind. Was cleaning my loose papers the other day and found a sketch where I was attempting to make a beehive- like temple. Can't get rid of that association , lol




Aug 5, 2010
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3. I asked if I would have a chance to reconnect with someone ? I got 45uc. I have not had that chance yet. Perhaps it is similar to the gym example. Perhaps they are gathered in to themselves .

Maybe these last two sound far fetched...but it's seemed to me that 45 uc can feel a bit like being on the receiving end of 33, when others withdraw from you....or when they gather their resources in.

a similar situation:
Got 45un when asked what is the more appropriate way to behave towards a person with whom we are at the odds - kind of. Can't make my mind whether Yi's suggestion is about our connection or an inner attitude , . Asking a clarification on 45un i.e. " 45un in what sense ?" got 53.5>52. there is a correlation between 45 and 52: an inside concentration but also the "disconnection" -a meaning I have assign to 45 ( wrong? dunno) . 53.5 described the situation precisely but , I have lost hope that some misunderstandings will dissolve hence I take 45 more as inner concentration and containing in some ways the feelings( lake) of this situation.

Was watching the final game of World cup the other day and the image of the players making a cycle and support and inspire each other and also a image of the team around their coach - holding the cup. although seems like h7 ( and 7.2) too there is a 45 aspect of it; the "glue" that binds and connect the members of the group.

not an experience of how this recent reading played out- too soon, but thought to share the backstage thoughts which , imo, are part of the experience.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Re the gym example, at the time I was unhappy to release it as it was a bit of luxury. However I soon realised even the small amount I'd been paying was a luxury I couldn't afford and I noticed how much better my bank statements were looking when I cancelled the gym membership and made a few other changes like getting cheaper deals on things. In hindsight I was glad I'd cancelled so the 45uc may have indicated me pulling back in from unnecessary financial commitments. Conserving, 'gathering weapons'

The Image from Wilhelm

Over the earth, the lake :
Thus the superior man renews his weapons
In order to meet the unforeseen.


Aug 5, 2010
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I liked your gym example because it's shows the "twists" of an hex. At a first glance and interpret it in a automatic way 45 could be connect with the group, however the rest of the background story highlights the questions 45 asks , to whom/what we commit ourselves.

thanks for sharing !


Nov 24, 2010
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"It is you real gurus that make fake gurus like me necessary" , really well made, mischievous and fascinating doco



ching ching! my goodness I didn't know you were still a member :) thanks I'd ever heard of this movie I would love to see it. - Liss


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Yes it's good to see you chingching.....but I'm not sure how the trailer connects to 45uc :confused:

I have thought about it but don't understand ? You said it's a 'doco'...documentary ? But they are actors aren't they.

So why is 45uc like a fake guru ? Have you experienced 45uc as a fake leader ?


Maybe she's like me and doesn't read what the thread's about and just puts random things up - must be any aussie thing! - Liss


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I've never seen you do that...or seen chingching do that. Actually I haven't seen anyone do that. People don't just post randomly with no reference to the topic do they ?

Or maybe this is an abstract way of communicating about 45uc. We think of 45 as gathering together, focus but chingching sees it in it's unchanging form as kind of outside of the focus...almost completely outside what is someone else's gathering in ?


Oh I thought I did it somewhere the other day - I asked this morning whether I should start a Blog re my business and it came up 45 Unchanging so I'm taking that as a yes. I've never done a blog before so I'm just trying to work out what to write about first - are you familiar with writing a blog?


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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No, I only use the blog facility now and then in Change Circle. I'd think 45uc might favour starting a blog


Aug 5, 2010
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I read the synopsis of the doc CC posted, here and seems it has an interesting association with 45 the need to gather, its benefits and perils.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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...so asked Yi "will they budge for me ?" ie will they allow me to go on at my old rate. I got 45uc. They did not budge so I left as could not afford new rate.

Oh dear. After reading this thread I am now highly suspicious of 45uc.

Some thoughts on your gym example, Trojina... (1) Similar to what you already said, could it maybe be expressed as "they're defining who their 'group' will be"? They were setting a rate, and also setting the collection of services they would provide (and not provide) for that rate - people for whom the combination of charges and services was a good fit would "assemble" to them, and people for whom it was not a good fit would not? Defining the rate and the services would define the group they'd end up with?

(2) You were a member under the auspices of another 'group' (the charity), and they decided they weren't going to honor that other group's arrangement? 45uc might mean something like "Trojina was part of that 'other group'...she's asking us to accept that...nope."

(3) I wonder if it might also be their attempt to simplify, to have fewer "groupings" or categories of members? Simplification per se is probably a different hexagram, but maybe groups could be thought of as categories - maybe they didn't want to grandfather in, and then have to administer, various left over fee structures? They wanted just one (or very few) clear categories of members? You mentioned there had been a revolving door of owners; who knows what membership mish-mash had taken root through all that.

I see your point about you yourself gathering more resources by eliminating that bill...maybe the reading was trying to incorporate what you asked about (the gym's point of view - "will they budge?") with a message for you ("But this will help you, too!").

Am befuddled by the other examples. :(


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Yes all those things you suggest could apply. :) It didn't bother me too much. I'd used the gym very cheaply for some time and all things come to an end.

I did feel a bit miffed at the time because I was losing something nice. When I asked Yi about taking the decision to end I got 35.5 about not taking loss or gain to heart. Yi was right there. So often one finds when something is lost something new soon comes along.

As for befuddlement I think that's okay. As I said my intention with starting the threads is not to present a crystal clear case for how unchanging hexagrams work out....it's just to share experiences. In gathering experiences, taking each person's experience with the answer as they present it...whether it's clear to them or not, perhaps eventually we might see patterns, 3d patterns, lots of angles, though I'd aim to avoid ever claiming "45uc means this,..."

To me looking at how 45uc has shown up through multiple experiences of different people is interesting in itself even if it is not possible pinpoint how the answer apples in any particular case.

There was a post on fractals or something I'll link to. It's important to realise answers are not always linear. Here it is http://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/friends/showthread.php?18855-I-found-this-interesting


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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As for befuddlement I think that's okay.

Well...maybe, maybe not. Bottom line is that I think either we're missing something about unchanging hexagrams, or Yi is being purposely obstinate with them (let's assume the former, as it gives us some chance of figuring it out.)

You're probably going to think I'm being a pill. I just want to know what the readings mean. It's why we do them. I get that there can be good reasons for not knowing what it means *thisinstant* - longer timeframe, etc. - but this particular case doesn't seem to be one of those.

This one wasn't all that hugely, terribly important (not that your gym membership wasn't important to you, or you wouldn't have taken the time and energy to write to them, and I understand you lost something which you appreciated having...but hopefully you know what I mean.) (Edited: "urgent" might be a better word, rather than "important.")

But what if it had been a different sort of problem, where it mattered even more? In this case, after having written the letter to them, you cast a reading about it, but there was nothing you had to do, or even could do, in response to the reading. What if that wasn't the case?

IMO the only way anyone could possibly know what that reading meant was in hindsight. Ahead of time, I think the best anyone could do would be think to themselves, "Well, it's saying something about the group...could be they'll include me [as Anemos said], or...not." That tells a person nothing. (Well, it probably tells them to be careful with their assumptions, but nothing more than that.) This might be a good example to discuss, for exactly that reason.

You often talk about readings providing insight rather than just answers, which is fine - but we still need the basic answer. (As I said, imagine if this had been an issue where you had to take some action based on the reading.) All the insight in the world is useless without knowing if the insight is in the context of "yes" or in the context of "no." "Yes, but..." or "No, and..." is great. A context-free, standalone "...but..." or "...and..." is not. I understand that fairly often it's pretty obvious, where an unchanging reading is a simple, one-word kind of answer, but this is not one of those, as best I can tell.

We can ask a follow-up question, as you did, which cleared things up. But this is one of my frustrations with unchanging readings - if it is so automatically necessary (not always, but a high percentage of the time) to cast more readings, why not just answer the question in the first place? Someone else said that too, I don't remember where, that when they get an unchanging hexagram they almost always ask another question; IOW I don't think it's just me.

Yi could have given you the 35.5 reading in the first place. "Will they budge?" "Take not gain or loss to heart." Then you would have known (a) no, they're not going to budge, and (b) that will actually be okay (you're happy to save the money every month). If you still wanted more information, you could have then asked, "Why won't they budge?" and Yi could have given you 45uc, which would have gotten into everything else. The readings seem in the wrong order.

One thing I'm wondering is should we be paying more attention to the hexagrams of context when we get unchanging readings. I don't offhand actually see how that would help - the hexagrams of context would be exactly the same whether the basic answer is favorable or unfavorable, so how could they help us figure that part out, but they are the only source of additional information I can think of.

In this case, the Shadow is 20, Inverse is 26, Nuclear is 53, Ideal is 48 (all from the I Ching Worksheet site Hilary told us about).

So, the wrong mindset to adopt here, which will cause "stuckness," is 20 - an overview, the big picture...and is that from your point of view, or the p.o.v. of the gym owners, which is more what your question was? How might seeing the big picture get someone stuck? If someone gets so caught up in gazing out over the forest that they run smack into a tree? Or maybe, "this situation is about the details, not the big picture." How might that apply here?

Nuclear is 53 - the core of the issue or a hidden possibility - Gradual Progress, finding a suitable habitat, something about marriage...I can see how the gym owners might be creating a habitat, setting up how they want the gym to be. As a message to you, could it mean that there is some other habitat for you, something else you could marry? Like, is there some other swimming pool you could go to, maybe a free, public one (full of screaming children, probably, but for all I know you'd enjoy having children around). And then 45 could be seen as advice to you: find a different group. Maybe.

Inverse - what the situation is not - is 26, Great Taming: accumulating, restraining, controlling, cultivating. That's confusing, since that seems to be what IS happening here - they're restraining and controlling their membership; you're restraining your spending and accumulating resources (albeit a little, not a lot). Unless...maybe it's describing the situation BEFORE the decision was made, which may have been (to various degrees) out of control both for you and the gym.

Not sure if all this tells us anything, lol. Sigh.
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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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But isn't much of what you discuss part of a general discussion for another thread maybe ?

I'm starting the threads with the intention of just an opening for others to add their experiences and thoughts and so on as time passes. I don't want to have to spend ages pinning down a reading I'm fine with to satisfy dissatisfaction on your part. I mean I don't feel the need to say much more about my readings here. I don't need to wrestle more out of Yi's answer at this point....

Haven't we had this discussion before.....Sorry but I think we are talking at cross purposes. Maybe for all the all the points you raise there is another thread like the one I linked to earlier or you could start another one ? You know maybe a general discussion about what we expect from answers or something ? I probably wouldn't answer, I don't have time for that now but others might.

I don't know what you are sighing for at the end of your post. I'm just sharing and inviting others to do the same. I am satisfied with my reading and happy to carry it about with me and look at it now and then. I'm really in no great hurry to shove Yi against the wall and force it to speak as a precise instruction. No offence but I don't even want my reading treated like that. You said

You're probably going to think I'm being a pill. I just want to know what the readings mean. It's why we do them. I get that there can be good reasons for not knowing what it means *thisinstant* - longer timeframe, etc. - but this particular case doesn't seem to be one of those.

Well you are never going to know for sure what my readings mean....as my readings are er mine. I really don't want to say more about that reading. I hope you understand. :bows:

ps I have tried to answer some of the points you make about 'why doesn't Yi say x instead of y ?' on several other of the unchanging threads....I don't want to get into that again.

Have you had any experiences of 45 uc as an answer to share ?


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Having said all that you have made some good points and yes I think hexagrams of context might help in unchanging readings. And no 45uc there wasn't that helpful....but my question was slightly daft...I was asking for a prediction. It was a different question to the one for 35.5 which was about taking a decision. I'm sorry if my last post sounded abrupt, maybe I'm the wrong person to engage with over the questions you raise right now.....maybe I need a vacation :cool:


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Well, yes, my motivation in discussing your gym example to death was to try to understand unchanging hexagrams. It took me a lot of babble to get to the hexagrams of context part, sorry. Am wondering if hexagrams of context might be even more important with unchanging readings (I say "more important" as if I'm in the habit of using them ever for anything - I'm not. But maybe I should start! Maybe especially for unchanging readings.)

This seemed like a good example for that, because it seems like a relatively simple, over-and-done-with situation. So it seems like the reading you did for it (the 45uc reading) ought to be able to tell you something in the here-and-now. But at first glance, it didn't seem to. So we have two options: (1) shrug and move on, or (2) assume that Yi actually intended to deliver a meaningful communication, try to decipher it, and in the process learn something which could be applied to other readings.

You seem to prefer (1). GUESS which one I like :D ??

Now, your third example, about the relationship, is probably not good fodder for this, because we don't have an outcome. (Well, not hearing from the person is an outcome, but not the same kind of outcome.)

I suppose even with the gym example we don't have an ironclad outcome, short of quizzing the gym owners for their reasons (which I am NOT suggesting you do, in case you're wondering lol, and anyway, that assumes that 45uc is from the point of view of the gym owners, which it may or may not be).

But, you know, something in the hexagrams of context might have struck you as the answer, once we paid attention to them, and then we'd have a piece of evidence that answers can indeed lurk there.

Since that seems not to be the case, is it a piece of evidence that answers don't lurk there? I don't know. I don't want to conclude that from one example of them not being illuminating. At any rate, even I cannot think of anything else to discuss re: the gym. But I hope you can understand my reasons for trying.

(Are you saying it would have been better to start another thread, called "Hexagrams of Context in Unchanging Readings" or some such, and then link this thread in it? That never occurred to me; I just blundered forth with discussing the example in the thread where it was presented. But I could see doing it that way. Whatever makes more sense.)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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This seemed like a good example for that, because it seems like a relatively simple, over-and-done-with situation. So it seems like the reading you did for it (the 45uc reading) ought to be able to tell you something in the here-and-now. But at first glance, it didn't seem to. So we have two options: (1) shrug and move on, or (2) assume that Yi actually intended to deliver a meaningful communication, try to decipher it, and in the process learn something which could be applied to other readings.

You seem to prefer (1). GUESS which one I like ??

No...you don't understand. I don't do 1 or 2. I am not shrugging and moving on...I'm just letting the reading be. I accept that in this lifetime I won't understand all Yi says, I may not even understand a fraction. An answer is given that I cannot explain in words to your satisfaction but that doesn't make the answer meaningless or mean I am walking away from it. Yi did deliver a meaningful communication to me....but not on my or your terms and not in words that you find meaningful within our current framework of understanding. Also it is not my intention to share a reading and then use it as a way for it to be applied to other readings. These are just my personal experiences , not teaching aids.

We are now into the territory of a larger question about how people use Yi and what they want and need from answers. I don't think you and I want the same thing from answers. So when I suggested starting another thread I meant for bigger questions such as this. I repeat I am quite happy with my answer of 45uc. I do not find it meaningless, I look forward to discovering different layers of meaning as time passes....and I don't think any of those would satisfy you and why should they as they aren't your readings.

(Are you saying it would have been better to start another thread, called "Hexagrams of Context in Unchanging Readings" or some such, and then link this thread in it? That never occurred to me; I just blundered forth with discussing the example in the thread where it was presented. But I could see doing it that way. Whatever makes more sense - you'd have a good feel for that.)

No. I was suggesting you take the frustrations of your questions about how Yi answers to another thread to be explored. I actually thought the fractal thread might be a good one to go to. You repeatedly say things like "why did Yi give that answer why didn't it answer the question ?". That is a whole topic area for another thread IMO....it's about approaches to answers...what you want from answers and so on. I don't have time for those kinds of discussions but others may.

I guess I think we need to develop wider awareness to accommodate Yi's answers. It doesn't have to shrink to fit in with our current perceptions of situations. That is why I am happy to keep a less clear answer with me. I can hold and carry it. When I have grown more then I might understand. But this is a whole other topic...that you keep bringing up so that's why I suggested you start a thread about your frustrations with Yi's answers.

I'm off to do some cleaning .....


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Oh dear heavens. I really just...cannot agree with you, on two counts:


No...you don't understand. I don't do 1 or 2. I am not shrugging and moving on...I'm just letting the reading be. I accept that in this lifetime I won't understand all Yi says, I may not even understand a fraction. An answer is given that I cannot explain in words to your satisfaction but that doesn't make the answer meaningless or mean I am walking away from it. Yi did deliver a meaningful communication to me....but not on my or your terms and not in words that you find meaningful.

You were asking a mundane question about your gym membership. If Yi cannot or will not answer questions on something approaching the level they're asked, so that they can be understood in that context and within a reasonable timeframe (I do understand that most readings need some time to percolate), then that is a problem.

And what I'm REALLY saying is that I think it DOES answer those sorts of questions in just that way. Or, at least, I've gotten such readings. When I don't understand a reading like that, my reaction is to assume it's because I'm an incompetent questioner or interpreter, and then try to figure it out. NOT that Yi purposely went off in the stratosphere with its answer in order to flummox me. (CAVEATS: questions themselves can be off in the stratosphere (not this one), Yi could be changing the subject to something more important (as in the fractals thread), Yi could be rolling its eyes at me for various reasons[SUP]*[/SUP], etc. - none of which are "Question about gym membership" >>> "Answer at such a high level I may not understand it on my deathbed". *TILT* )


Also it is not my intention to share a reading and then use it as a way for it to be applied to other readings. These are just my personal experiences , not teaching aids.

That is not at all what I thought these forums were about.

[SUP]*[/SUP]Edited to add: But then I like to try to figure that out, so I know it's rolling its eyes at me rather than answering my question per se.
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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I'm not saying your way of wanting to interpret is wrong it's just your way...and my way is my way, but you don't seem to accept it. But in the end my readings are my readings and yours are yours. I wouldn't try to force you to interpret a particular way so why are you pushing me to go your way :confused:

Anyway please can you start another thread on the topic if you want to discuss it further. It's quite a big topic, people interpret in many different ways for different reasons.....you could have a whole new thread to talk to others about it....so why only talk to me about it on the unchanging hex threads again..

Instead of telling me how I should interpret my own readings you could share some of yours and show how you do it....that would be more on topic !

If you keep on trying to make me explain my readings to your satisfaction I am not going to want to share any further.

No offence intended.....but I have finished discussing this Lisa.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Trojina, I'm not quarrelling with how you interpreted your reading in hindsight ("they...sort of gathered their resources in hence could not extend to me.") I take issue with some of the other things you said, but really I was hoping we could dig into your resolved 45uc example to see if we could find "no, they won't budge" (or some other relevant message) somehow from the 45uc reading itself. That was my objective.

I haven't found any 45uc readings of mine yet that are decent examples.


Nov 24, 2010
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ha!, no not random goddessliss! no i thought of after reading trojinas bit about pairs and 45 and 46.
Hoe people gathering with spiritual aspirations behave, and how gathering is often without skepticism or critical thinking.

Only the main guy and his two disciples are pretending, but he finds followers who unquestioningly take up his religion and call him guru. He reveals who he is as the end.

its kind of borat meets the wave, with heart.

He started it as an expose on spiritual leaders but the story changed into something else. so yeah 45 as a group of followers and 46 as spiritual aspiration


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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I got 45uc yesterday when I asked how best for me to approach a written communication with someone, when I know that there will be several additional written communications with this person in the near future.

Superficially, I think 45uc was meant simply to stress the fact that this particular note should be approached as the first of a group, or collection, of notes.

That fact has implications:

Oracle (from Hilary Barrett's book)
"Gathering, creating success.
The king enters his temple.
Fruitful to see great people, creating success.
Constancy bears fruit.
Using great sacrificial animals: good fortune.
Fruitful to have a direction to go

Hilary points out, in her commentary, that "great sacrificial animals" mean something like "investing" (or, possibly, requiring) "the best you have," and that "a direction to go" means knowing "where you are going with it all." It might be put together in a sentence like this: "[If] you will need the best you have, [you should] know where you are going with it." In other words, there should be a plan.

"Lake higher than the earth: Gathering.
A noble one sets aside weapons and tools, and warns against the unexpected."

Lake higher than the earth is like a reservoir. Hilary points out that a reservoir is useful, but not if it floods - "if it flooded, you would lose everything."

At first, I wondered if the combination of all that meant that I ought to plan out all the communications that instant, before sending off the first one. I certainly hoped not, because that would take much more time at that moment than I wanted to spend.

I finally decided that what it meant was that I should make the first note pretty short - don't "flood" it with everything I might want to say to the person. Keeping some thoughts in reserve for the subsequent notes will make all the communications easier.
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butterfly spider

I have had very few uc hex recently
got 45uc about a situation that I am in

Strange that I read the thread above on reading circle and just thought that I would say that my question is almost identical to this one.

It would appear that getting more is not gathering - it does not always imply increasing

iams girl

Clarity Supporter
Jul 26, 2011
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My yearly reading for 2014 was 12.6>45. In my case, the power of the meaning and symbolism of 45 as a relating hexagram was so strong, that I'm posting my results in the context of its possibly being similar to 45uc.

From LiSe's site, "sudden death or accident" is one of the meanings of the characters that represent 45. Combined with W/B commentary "in the time of GATHERING TOGETHER we must arm promptly to ward off the unexpected," it became a strong wake-up call for me to take action that I might have otherwise put off.

Living with an aging mother in a home that would likely either need to be sold for medical bills or be dispersed among several heirs, 45 "ward off the unexpected" meant come up with another living arrangement plan in case something happened. I purchased a small home that year which I'd never considered doing before, but due to outrageous rental prices in this area, paying a mortgage turned out to be the much more affordable option. I continued to live with my mother to help with her needs and another family member needed a place to stay, so was able to make use of the new home. I hoped for the best and was glad nothing happened to my mother that year. Until even recently, she had still been getting around, driving to outside activities, and doing ok and I anticipated at least a few more years for her. However, likely due to low blood pressure and heart problems combined, I came home a few days ago to find she'd passed away. It was sudden and accidental, likely having fainted and hit her head. I can't help but relate it to the meaning of the characters and the forewarning aspect of hex 45. Also, to say, best regards to all if I fade in and out for awhile.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Thank you for that example iamsgirl. I also have that sense of 45 as gathering what one has together to face the unforeseen. The 12.6 also seems a good line for release from the physical. It's good you had the foresight to get a house.

It must have been a great shock to you to find her that way and I offer you my sincere condolences :hug:

Oh and by all I've read of the situation she couldn't have had a better daughter to care for her :hug:

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