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Gathering forms a pair with hexagram 46, Pushing Upward:
'Gathering means assembling, Pushing Upward means not coming back'
Before you can set out single-mindedly towards a chosen goal, you must gather your people and resources. The stronger your purpose, the more you will be willing to invest; the more you invest, the less likely you are to turn back. Investment and aspiration are two sides of a single coin.
Being part of the world
45 - Groups and sects, their strength and danger
46 - Promotion, accomplishment
"The trigram TUI, joy, is being fully realized when K'UN, total receptivity to all men, is at the foundation. Without change, the hexagram ASSEMBLING implies that your goals, your potential for growth and even your happiness are tied in some way to group consciousness, perhaps to your family or to society at large. In this position it is wise to join fully in the group's rituals and endeavours. For greatest success, locate and serve the leader, thereby strengthening the group and assuring your security."
3. I asked if I would have a chance to reconnect with someone ? I got 45uc. I have not had that chance yet. Perhaps it is similar to the gym example. Perhaps they are gathered in to themselves .
Maybe these last two sound far fetched...but it's seemed to me that 45 uc can feel a bit like being on the receiving end of 33, when others withdraw from you....or when they gather their resources in.
Over the earth, the lake :
Thus the superior man renews his weapons
In order to meet the unforeseen. asked Yi "will they budge for me ?" ie will they allow me to go on at my old rate. I got 45uc. They did not budge so I left as could not afford new rate.
As for befuddlement I think that's okay.
You're probably going to think I'm being a pill. I just want to know what the readings mean. It's why we do them. I get that there can be good reasons for not knowing what it means *thisinstant* - longer timeframe, etc. - but this particular case doesn't seem to be one of those.
This seemed like a good example for that, because it seems like a relatively simple, over-and-done-with situation. So it seems like the reading you did for it (the 45uc reading) ought to be able to tell you something in the here-and-now. But at first glance, it didn't seem to. So we have two options: (1) shrug and move on, or (2) assume that Yi actually intended to deliver a meaningful communication, try to decipher it, and in the process learn something which could be applied to other readings.
You seem to prefer (1). GUESS which one I like ??
(Are you saying it would have been better to start another thread, called "Hexagrams of Context in Unchanging Readings" or some such, and then link this thread in it? That never occurred to me; I just blundered forth with discussing the example in the thread where it was presented. But I could see doing it that way. Whatever makes more sense - you'd have a good feel for that.) don't understand. I don't do 1 or 2. I am not shrugging and moving on...I'm just letting the reading be. I accept that in this lifetime I won't understand all Yi says, I may not even understand a fraction. An answer is given that I cannot explain in words to your satisfaction but that doesn't make the answer meaningless or mean I am walking away from it. Yi did deliver a meaningful communication to me....but not on my or your terms and not in words that you find meaningful.
Also it is not my intention to share a reading and then use it as a way for it to be applied to other readings. These are just my personal experiences , not teaching aids.
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